Segger develops and distributes software development tools and ANSI C software components for embedded systems. Main products are : emWin, an universal graphics software (GUI) for embedded applications; embOS, a small real-time kernel; emFile, an embedded file system; USB stacks; and J-Link, the JTAG emulator for ARM cores. Segger cuts software development time for embedded applications by offering compact, flexible and easy-to-use middleware.
- Preemptive scheduling
- Unlimited priorities.
- Round-robin scheduling for tasks with identicalpriorities.
- No configuration needed.
- Intertask communication.
- Software timer.
- No royalties.
- Zero interrupt latency.
- Fast & efficient.
- Small footprint.
- Easy to use start project.
- Versatile.
- Supported directly by developers.
- System analysis tool included.
Developing applications with embOS
embOS is available in source or object code form. Both come with a ready-to-go start project: The first multi-task program will be running within five minutes. The start application and usable samples are supplied in source code form. Libraries for all memory models and initialization of the controller in C-source are included to tailor the system to any application.
Profiling using embOSView
embOSView communicates with embOS running on the target over a UART and displays all available information of the tasks and major system variables. All communication is done from within the communication interrupt routines. This means that it is non-intrusive if embOSView is not connected and minimally intrusive while embOSView is connected. On most CPUs a profiling build of the libraries is available. In profiling build, embOS collects precise timing information for every task, which enables embOSView to show the CPU load.
Zero Latency Interrupts
embOS is perfectly suited for hard real time conditions as it does not block high priority or zero latency interrupts. High priority interrupts do not add additional latency or jitter from the operating system. When an RTOS modifies its data structures, it has to block access to its data structures. In order to achieve that, low priority interrupts are blocked. High priority interrupts cannot call OS functions.
Simulation environment
A simulation environment running under MS Windows is available. It can be used to write and test the entire application on your PC (all routines are 100% identical to your embedded application). This makes debugging and development easy and convenient and saves development time. The simulation is an open environment, which also allows adding C-code to simulate the target specific hardware. embOS Simulation comes with a ready-to-go start project for MSVC, but may also be used with other tool chains. A trial version is available upon request.
Power-Saving Tickless Mode
embOS tickless low power support reduces the power consumption for e.g. battery powered devices. Instead of having a timer interrupt for each system tick the timer is reprogrammed to be able to spend as much time as possible in low power mode.